The Ultimate Guide to Neck Injuries in MMA: Treatment and Prevention

Neck injuries are a common concern in mixed martial arts (MMA), often resulting from the intense physical demands and impact associated with the sport. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the most common neck injuries in MMA and how osteopathy, Applied Functional Science (AFS), and exercise rehabilitation at Mixed Osteo can help prevent and treat these injuries.

Dr Luke Smith Osteo working with MMA Welterweight champion Jonathan Micallef

Common Neck Injuries in MMA:

  1. Cervical Joint Sprain:

    • Description: A sprain in the ligaments that connect the cervical vertebrae.

    • Causes: Often caused by sudden twisting or jerking motions of the neck.

    • Symptoms: Neck pain, tightness, and difficulty moving the neck.

    • Treatment: Osteopathic manipulation and targeted exercises can help restore joint function and reduce pain.

  2. Cervical Strain:

    • Description: A cervical strain is a stretch or tear in the muscles of the neck.

    • Causes: Commonly caused by sudden movements or impact during fights or training.

    • Symptoms: Neck pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion.

    • Treatment: Osteopathic manipulation, AFS techniques, and targeted exercises can help relieve pain and restore function.

  3. Cervical Disc Injury:

    • Description: Damage to the discs in the cervical spine.

    • Causes: Often caused by repetitive stress or trauma to the neck.

    • Symptoms: Neck pain, radiating arm pain, numbness, and weakness.

    • Treatment: Osteopathic treatments can help alleviate symptoms and improve mobility.

  4. Cervical Radiculopathy:

    • Description: Compression or irritation of a nerve in the cervical spine.

    • Causes: Can result from disc herniation or bone spurs.

    • Symptoms: Pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the neck, shoulder, or arm.

    • Treatment: Osteopathic care can help reduce inflammation and improve nerve function.

How Mixed Osteo Can Help:

  1. Osteopathy: Our osteopaths are trained to assess and treat neck injuries using hands-on techniques to restore mobility and function.

  2. Applied Functional Science (AFS): AFS techniques focus on improving movement patterns to reduce the risk of injury recurrence.

  3. Exercise Rehabilitation: Tailored exercise programs can strengthen the neck muscles and improve stability.

Prevention Tips:

  • Maintain proper technique during training and fights.
  • Use protective gear, such as headgear and mouthguards.
  • Strengthen the neck muscles through targeted exercises.

Conclusion: Neck injuries are a significant concern in MMA, but with the right approach, they can be prevented and effectively managed. At Mixed Osteo, our multidisciplinary approach can help MMA athletes stay healthy, recover from injuries, and perform at their best. If you're experiencing neck pain or have suffered a neck injury, book an appointment with us today to start your journey to recovery.


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