Shoulder Health for MMA Unleashed: Conquer Common Injuries with Mixed Osteo

In the dynamic world of MMA, shoulder injuries are an unwelcome companion for many fighters. Whether from powerful strikes, intense grappling, or repetitive training, these injuries can hinder performance and cause lasting discomfort. But fear not, at Mixed Osteo, we've got your back, or in this case, your shoulders. Let's delve into the most common shoulder injuries and how our tailored approach can bring relief and elevate your game.

Osteo Dr Luke Smith working with MMA champion Jono Mica on Shoulder rehabilitation

Common MMA Shoulder Injuries:

  1. Rotator Cuff Strains: These strains are a frequent woe in MMA due to powerful strikes or sudden movements.

  2. Impingements: Overhead motions, a staple in MMA, can cause impingements, leading to pain and restricted movement.

  3. Joint sprains, Labral tears and Dislocations: Grappling and high-impact throws can lead to shoulder sprains such as to the acromial clavicular joint. In more sever cases it can cause tearing to the glenohumeral labrum or dislocations will disrupt the normal function of the shoulder.

How Mixed Osteo Can Help: At Mixed Osteo, we take a holistic approach to shoulder injury management, combining Osteopathy, Applied Functional Science (AFS) techniques, and targeted exercise rehabilitation.

  1. Osteopathy: Our skilled practitioners use hands-on techniques to assess and treat shoulder injuries. By restoring joint mobility and optimising tissue function, Osteopathy accelerates healing.

  2. Applied Functional Science (AFS): AFS techniques analyze movement patterns to identify imbalances. By correcting these imbalances, AFS enhances performance and reduces the risk of future injuries.

  3. Exercise Rehab: Tailored exercise programs focus on strengthening the muscles and structures most vulnerable to MMA-related shoulder injuries. We aim to restore strength, stability, and flexibility.

Why Choose Mixed Osteo:

  • Personalised Care: We understand that each athlete is unique, and our treatments are tailored to your specific needs.

  • Proven Results: Our integrated approach has helped numerous MMA enthusiasts recover, regain strength, and prevent future injuries.

  • Book Online: Conveniently schedule your appointment online and take the first step toward optimal shoulder health.

Don't let shoulder injuries hold you back from reaching your MMA goals. Mixed Osteo is your partner in achieving peak performance and maintaining shoulder health. Book online today, and let's embark on a journey to stronger, healthier shoulders together.


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