Unleash Your Stride: Conquering Running Injuries with Mixed Osteo

Running, a liberating pursuit for many, can sometimes take a toll on our bodies. Whether you're a seasoned marathoner or a casual jogger, the risk of running-related injuries is a shared reality. In this blog, we unravel the common running injuries that may be slowing you down and how the holistic approach at Mixed Osteo can set your running spirit free.

Running Osteo after half marathon

Common Running Injuries: The Roadblocks to Your Run

  1. Runner's Knee (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome):

    • Cause: Overuse, improper footwear, muscle imbalances.

    • Symptoms: Pain around the kneecap.

    • How We Help: Osteopathic care targets the root cause, correcting imbalances and facilitating proper joint mechanics.

  2. Shin Splints:

    • Cause: Overpronation, a sudden increase in intensity, improper footwear.

    • Symptoms: Pain along the shinbone.

    • How We Help: AFS techniques identify movement patterns contributing to shin splints, coupled with tailored exercise rehab to enhance strength and flexibility.

  3. Plantar Fasciitis:

    • Cause: Inflammation of the plantar fascia due to overuse and improper footwear.

    • Symptoms: Heel pain, especially in the morning.

    • How We Help: Osteopathic care addresses foot mechanics, AFS techniques to correct imbalances, and exercise rehab strengthens the foot.

Mixed Osteo’s Winning Strategy: Osteo + AFS + Exercise Rehab

At Mixed Osteo, we don't just treat symptoms; we decipher the intricacies of your running journey. Our comprehensive approach encompasses:

  1. Osteopathy:

    • Skilled hands-on techniques to restore joint mobility and optimise tissue function.

    • Applied Functional Science (AFS):

    • Analysing movement patterns to identify imbalances that may contribute to injuries.

  2. Exercise Rehab:

    • Tailored programs focusing on strengthening vulnerable areas, improving stability, and enhancing flexibility.

Why Choose Mixed Osteo?

  1. Personalized Care:

    • Tailored treatment plans addressing your unique running profile.

  2. Prevention Focus:

    • Proactive strategies to minimize the risk of future running injuries.

Ready to Run Stronger? Book Your Online Appointment Now!

Don't let running injuries dictate your pace. Embrace the holistic care at Mixed Osteo and reignite your passion for running. πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’¨ Book your online appointment today and let's set you on the path to pain-free, powerful running! #RunWithoutLimits #MixedOsteoCare #BookOnlineNow


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